Web Automation — тест по Selenium WebDriver

25 сложных вопросов для проверки знаний по Selenium WebDriver

Web Automation - Selenium Quiz

quiz logoТест на 25 вопросов по Selenium

1 / 25

Which of the following commands is used to print a string value or a variable in Selenium IDE?

2 / 25

The Selenium RC is used <… complete the sentence …>?

3 / 25

Which of the following WebDriver methods is used to select the option at a given index?

4 / 25

Which of the following languages is supported by The Selenium Web Driver?

5 / 25

Which of the following WebDriver methods is used to clear all selected entries?

6 / 25

What are the types of exceptions thrown in web driver?

7 / 25

Which of the following WebDriver commands is used to check the presence of a web element?

8 / 25

Which of the following exceptions is not an ideal candidate to ignore via FluentWait?

9 / 25

Which of the following components is not the part of Selenium suite?

10 / 25

What is the similarity between WebDriver’s close() and quit() methods?

11 / 25

Which of the following statements won’t hold true for Selenium 3.0?

12 / 25

Which of the following parameters is not required to initialize Fluent wait?

13 / 25

Which of the following features does Selenium IDE support?

14 / 25

What are the different navigation methods of WebDriver?

15 / 25

What can be used to test Flex/Flash applications using Selenium?

16 / 25

Which one is not the WebDriver’s expected condition?

Note: WebDriver’s ExpectedConditions class is used to test expected conditions.

17 / 25

What are the WebDriver methods to manage web-based alerts?

18 / 25

Which one is not the correct type of locator?

19 / 25

Which of the following are the major changes that Selenium 3.0 brought in?

20 / 25

Which of the following steps is not mandatory to launch Firefox in Selenium 3?

21 / 25

Which type of exception is handled during compile time?

22 / 25

WebDriver’s Actions commands are <… complete the sentence … >?

23 / 25

What type of Wait objects keep alive until the WebDriver object dies?

24 / 25

Which of the following OS is not supported by Selenium IDE?

25 / 25

Which of the following commands is not a type of assertion in Selenium IDE?

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