? Дайджест материалов по тестированию за неделю c 16 по 22 октября

Этот дайджест создан совместно с телеграм-каналом QA Live ? тестирование ПО. Подпишитесь, чтобы получать дайджесты прямо в телеграм!

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Обсуждаем, как войти в Automation с нуля, или с позиции Manual. Automation RoadMap с упором на инструменты.

Сниффер, кроссплатформенный прокси для контроля и мониторинга HTTP(S). Умеет работать с заголовками и метаданными. И даже раздавать VPN!

На других русскоязычных платформах:

А при этом коротко.

Углубление в теорию.

«Так случилось, что TMS TestLink, которой долгое время пользовались тестировщики в нашей компании, морально устарела, была довольно медленной и неудобной, в отличие от десятков более новых систем.»

Рабочие вкладки и инструменты ручного тестировщика при проверке веб-приложений.

В мире QA на других платформах (англоязычных):

В том числе wakelocks.

Maximize test value, not percentages. Expand tests for high-risk areas, major flows, and key use cases.

Сборник со ссылками и комментариями.

KPIs and Metrics are not the same while both have quantitative measurement.

«The entity which takes the a client place [role] is entirely based on the context. That web page displayed on a browser is a client per some model. So is the mobile apps. A service looking for data from Redis is a client too.»

Read “investigation” as trial-and-error based exploration. That’s pretty much the entire basis of reinforced learning.

We used different tools to do the same thing, and the behavior was not completely identical. Postman is a good tool for visualizing requests, but we need to understand how it does its thing, and how to evaluate the result.

TensorFlow. PyTorch. Scikit-learn. GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks). Cloud-Based AI Services.

1) Design a load testing workload for e-commerce site with traffic expectation of 1000 users in the first week. 2) What is the expected response time for an online CMS. 3) Create a performance testing execution plan starts with 100 users concurrent and ends with 20000 users concurrent.

Theory is great, but nothing beats getting your hands dirty with some real code.

In the hopes that this article has made the world of security testing more appealing to you, I leave you with an assignment. Install ZAP and try the HUD yourself on a website you have permission to test.

Заявляется как альтернатива Charles и ProxyMan.

So in summary the VPN does not terminate the TCP it simply passes the SYN all the way through so you get an end to end TCP connection between you and google but through this encrypted tunnel.

.should(): This is a command used for assertions in Cypress. It allows you to assert on the current state or properties of an element or a set of elements. It is typically used to validate specific conditions or expectations within the test. The .should() command retries the assertion until it passes or times out, making it suitable for waiting for specific conditions to be met.

Playwright can be an excellent tool for API testing, especially when it’s the same tool used for end-to-end testing. I’ve showcased both the conventional approach and an alternative method, particularly valuable for complex and nested scenarios. Also included examples for the most common API RESTful verbs, including GET, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.

Since Postman announced in May 2023 that it will phase out the Scratch Pad model with offline capabilities, teams that need to isolate API workspace data from third-party servers have been looking for alternatives.

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А здесь то же текстом.

«Был разработан фреймворк на Python и шаблоны для проекта с автотестами и CI/CD, написано много статей в корпоративной wiki. В итоге получилось снизить порог вхождения в АТ.»

Lucy Ladybug без успешного успеха.

⬅️ Предыдущий QAдайджест

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